Ashlee Glazer

Ashlee has traveled around the world as a Global Ambassador to Smith Cult. In addition to training salon partners, and hosting events and demonstrations as well, her role at Marie Claire London included training. Ashlee continues to draw on this experience in her work. Ashlee Glazer and I have been avid fans of beauty since I remember being in any corner of the industry from the counter to the red carpet. My frequent clients and celebrity Weddings motivate me and provide me with ideas and suggestions to share as a lifestyle and beauty specialist. As I wind down my day, I love spending the time with my family acquaintances in the great outdoors or attending a dinner celebration. My dream is to unite my skills and experience with the community I live in and create a platform where I can entertain, teach and help others through my talent. Ashlee Glazer is a beauty expert on television as well as a famous makeup artist, inspires her clients with her ability to help them be themselves and increase self-confidence. Her expertise helps women have a stunning appearance and feel like they are taking over the universe. Her parents were born on May 12 and are Harry Glazer and Jennifer Glazer. They are sisters of Kyle (21) chosen Goshen due to the fact that when I first stepped on the campus, I realized that it was where I wanted to be. The Goshen atmosphere was great, the team dynamics were fantastic and the coaching staff allowed me to easily decide. Her father is a hero for his work ethic and ability to be able talk with people in all occasions. watcher best athletic moment was winning the state championship and national championship.

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